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Tacoma Arts Month: what's happening this week 10/19-10/23

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Mon, Oct 19, 2020 3:46 PM

[2020 TAM WonderCare]
October 18, 2020
Tacoma Arts Month: Cultivate Wonder and Care

Don't let the colder gray skies get you down, there are plenty of arts experiences to delight as we head into the third week of Tacoma Arts Month.

For more information, go to TacomaArtsMonth.comhttp://www.tacomaartsmonth.com or check out each presenter's website.

Featured Events for 10/19-10/23
Tacoma Sister Cities Book Clubhttps://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct

October 19 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesocthttps://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct | FREE

Virtual Play to Learnhttps://playtacoma.org/

October 19 at 2 PM and October 21 at 3 PM | Children's Museum of Tacoma | virtual program at playtacoma.orghttps://playtacoma.org/ | FREE

Virtual Opening for 350 Tacoma Window Art Collaborationhttps://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM

October 20 | 7 PM | virtual program at washington.zoom.us/meeting/registerhttps://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM | FREE

Banned Book Clubhttps://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct

October 20 | 7 - 8 PM | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedocthttps://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct | FREE

Be Your Own Record Labelhttps://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=be%20your%20own%20record%20label&local_start=2020-10-13%20TO%202020-10-27

October 20 | 6:30 - 7:45 PM | Tacoma Public Library  | virtual program at tacoma.bibliocommons.com/eventshttps://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=be%20your%20own%20record%20label&local_start=2020-10-13%20TO%202020-10-27 | FREE

Image courtesy of The Tacoma Public Library

Feminist Utopia Book Clubhttps://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct

October 21 | 5:30 - 6:30 PM  | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct | FREE

Orientation Session: Lights, Latex Love! A Virtual Community Condom Competition, World AIDS Day 2020http://www.pcaf-wa.org/

October 22 | 6 - 7 PM | PCAF - Pierce County AIDS Foundation | virtual program at pcaf-wa.orghttp://www.pcaf-wa.org/ | FREE

Korean Poet Yun Dong-joo and his poemhttps://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/

October 22 | 5 - 5:45 PM | Asia Pacific Cultural Center | virtual program at asiapacificculturalcenter.orghttps://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/ | FREE

WPA-Inspired Soap and Candle Craftinghttps://2513a.blackbaudhosting.com/2513a/Soap-and-Candle-Crafting--Virtual-Workshop

October 22 | 6 - 7:15 PM | Tacoma Art Museum | virtual program at blackbaudhosting.comhttps://2513a.blackbaudhosting.com/2513a/Soap-and-Candle-Crafting--Virtual-Workshop | $40 TAM members, $50 non-members



October 23 | 7 PM | Tacoma Little Theatre | virtual program at tacomalittletheatre.comhttps://www.tacomalittletheatre.com/ | FREE

The Tacoma Moon Festivalhttp://tacomamoonfestival.org/

Ongoing | Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation | virtual program at tacomamoonfestival.orghttp://tacomamoonfestival.org/ | Available 24/7 | FREE

Image courtesy of The Tacoma Moon Festival

Civil Rights Legacy Tour Videohttps://tacomaartslive.org/video#education-videos-and-resources

Ongoing | Tacoma Arts Live | virtual program at
tacomaartslive.orghttps://tacomaartslive.org/video#education-videos-and-resources | FREE

Image courtesy of Tacoma Arts Live

A Night at the Movies Costume Concert Slide Showhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeWpVJHWqbmu1Wr3K2-tXQ

Ongoing | Tacoma Youth Symphony Association | virtual program at youtube.com/channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeWpVJHWqbmu1Wr3K2-tXQ | Available 24/7 | FREE; donations gladly accepted

Image courtesy of Tacoma Youth Symphony Association

More Happenings This Week

Pierce Transit Art Contesthttps://www.piercetransit.org/artcontest
Pierce Transit | piercetransit.org/artcontesthttps://www.piercetransit.org/artcontest | Ongoing | FREE

Community Engagement Projects

[js]Ten Tacoma-based artists and teams are sharing out a message of care and compassion with our community on an intimate level. These artists are each producing a care project – some virtually and some physically – for the community to participate in for free. Follow along on the Tacoma Arts Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission/ and Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/ channels and read about the projects on the Community Engagement Projects pagehttps://tacomaartsmonth.com/community-engagement/.

Jamika Scott - Where Is Your Heart?
Where do you love? What makes you laugh? What makes you smile? For Tacoma Arts Month, Jamika is photographing and filming  residents as they talk about the people, places, and things bringing them joy. Check out this project as it develops on social media and get a sneak peek into this image.

"My heart is with family and friends. My heart is with writing and filmmaking. My heart is with equitable communities. My heart is with stunning sunsets. My heart is with Tacoma."

Saiyare Refaei - When will we begin to act and care for our planet?
Attend the free virtual opening for the 350 Tacoma Window Art Collaboration on October 20 and register for your Zoom link here: washington.zoom.us/meeting/registerhttps://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM. Saiyare Refaei, in collaboration with Gerardo Peña, Speakthunder Berry, Elle Grey, and Beverly Naidus, is painting a mural to raise the question: “when will we begin to act and care for our planet?”

These are two of ten Community Engagement Projects happening during Tacoma Arts Month!

Photo courtesy of Jamika Scott

Art Kits for Tacoma Public Schools Middle and High School Students

Check out this videohttps://www.facebook.com/tacomaschools/videos/266408027987941/ and listen to student reactions to the art kits. Shout out to Tacoma Public Schools and their coverage of the the art supply kit distribution on-site earlier at Lincoln High School.

Watch this videohttps://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission/videos/255454829236444/ and hear from Heather Conklin, a Tacoma Public Schools art teacher and Chair of the Tacoma Arts Commission, talk about the art supply kits to 2,500 Tacoma Public Schools middle and high school students. These kits support arts education as well as self-expression and self-care during remote learning.

Artists in Focus
October 1 - 31 | Available 24/7 | Virtual Program

Tacoma creatives, working in a variety of artistic disciplines, are sharing videos and images of their work and creative practice. Check out Artists in Focushttps://tacomaartsmonth.com/artists-in-focus/ to learn about the creative process and see how and where artists create their work.

Photo courtesy of Katie Dean

Art Exhibits

[In-the-spirit-logo-long-exhibit.jpg]Enjoy a mix of in-person and virtual exhibits this October. Find out morehttp://tacomaartsmonth.com/exhibits/.

Image courtesy of Washington State History Museum

Self-Paced Public Art Tour

Take a virtual tour of some of the public art pieces that can be discovered throughout Pierce County. Search by category, location, or artist to explore the diverse range of public art and map out a customized itinerary to experience the work in person or from a vehicle. Click herehttps://wspdsmap.cityoftacoma.org/website/Art2/viewer.htm for more info.

Thank you to our sponsors

Media Sponsors: KNKXhttps://www.knkx.org/, Showcase Magazinehttps://www.showcasemedialive.com/, Northwest Public Broadcastinghttp://nwpr.org/

[Tacoma Arts Month]http://www.tacomaartsmonth.com/
[Facebook]https://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission  [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/

________________________________ [2020 TAM WonderCare] October 18, 2020 Tacoma Arts Month: Cultivate Wonder and Care Don't let the colder gray skies get you down, there are plenty of arts experiences to delight as we head into the third week of Tacoma Arts Month. For more information, go to TacomaArtsMonth.com<http://www.tacomaartsmonth.com> or check out each presenter's website. ________________________________ Featured Events for 10/19-10/23 [sistercitiesoct.jpg]<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct> Tacoma Sister Cities Book Club<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct> October 19 | 6:30 - 7:30 PM | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/sistercitiesoct> | FREE [childrensmuse]<https://playtacoma.org/> Virtual Play to Learn<https://playtacoma.org/> October 19 at 2 PM and October 21 at 3 PM | Children's Museum of Tacoma | virtual program at playtacoma.org<https://playtacoma.org/> | FREE [tac350]<https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM> Virtual Opening for 350 Tacoma Window Art Collaboration<https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM> October 20 | 7 PM | virtual program at washington.zoom.us/meeting/register<https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM> | FREE [bannedocto.jpg]<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct> Banned Book Club<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct> October 20 | 7 - 8 PM | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/bannedoct> | FREE [record_label.png]<https://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=be%20your%20own%20record%20label&local_start=2020-10-13%20TO%202020-10-27> Be Your Own Record Label<https://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=be%20your%20own%20record%20label&local_start=2020-10-13%20TO%202020-10-27> October 20 | 6:30 - 7:45 PM | Tacoma Public Library | virtual program at tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events<https://tacoma.bibliocommons.com/events/search/q=be%20your%20own%20record%20label&local_start=2020-10-13%20TO%202020-10-27> | FREE Image courtesy of The Tacoma Public Library [utopiaoct.jpg]<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct> Feminist Utopia Book Club<https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct> October 21 | 5:30 - 6:30 PM | King's Books | virtual program at kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct <https://www.kingsbookstore.com/event/utopiaoct> | FREE [PCAF]<http://www.pcaf-wa.org/> Orientation Session: Lights, Latex Love! A Virtual Community Condom Competition, World AIDS Day 2020<http://www.pcaf-wa.org/> October 22 | 6 - 7 PM | PCAF - Pierce County AIDS Foundation | virtual program at pcaf-wa.org<http://www.pcaf-wa.org/> | FREE [apcc]<https://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/> Korean Poet Yun Dong-joo and his poem<https://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/> October 22 | 5 - 5:45 PM | Asia Pacific Cultural Center | virtual program at asiapacificculturalcenter.org<https://www.asiapacificculturalcenter.org/> | FREE [tamcandlewpa]<https://2513a.blackbaudhosting.com/2513a/Soap-and-Candle-Crafting--Virtual-Workshop> WPA-Inspired Soap and Candle Crafting<https://2513a.blackbaudhosting.com/2513a/Soap-and-Candle-Crafting--Virtual-Workshop> October 22 | 6 - 7:15 PM | Tacoma Art Museum | virtual program at blackbaudhosting.com<https://2513a.blackbaudhosting.com/2513a/Soap-and-Candle-Crafting--Virtual-Workshop> | $40 TAM members, $50 non-members [tltlogo]<https://www.tacomalittletheatre.com/> Castmates<https://www.tacomalittletheatre.com/> October 23 | 7 PM | Tacoma Little Theatre | virtual program at tacomalittletheatre.com<https://www.tacomalittletheatre.com/> | FREE [moonfest]<http://tacomamoonfestival.org/> The Tacoma Moon Festival<http://tacomamoonfestival.org/> Ongoing | Chinese Reconciliation Project Foundation | virtual program at tacomamoonfestival.org<http://tacomamoonfestival.org/> | Available 24/7 | FREE Image courtesy of The Tacoma Moon Festival [TAL]<https://tacomaartslive.org/video#education-videos-and-resources> Civil Rights Legacy Tour Video<https://tacomaartslive.org/video#education-videos-and-resources> Ongoing | Tacoma Arts Live | virtual program at tacomaartslive.org<https://tacomaartslive.org/video#education-videos-and-resources> | FREE Image courtesy of Tacoma Arts Live [tysa]<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeWpVJHWqbmu1Wr3K2-tXQ> A Night at the Movies Costume Concert Slide Show<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeWpVJHWqbmu1Wr3K2-tXQ> Ongoing | Tacoma Youth Symphony Association | virtual program at youtube.com/channel<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCeWpVJHWqbmu1Wr3K2-tXQ> | Available 24/7 | FREE; donations gladly accepted Image courtesy of Tacoma Youth Symphony Association ________________________________ More Happenings This Week Pierce Transit Art Contest<https://www.piercetransit.org/artcontest> Pierce Transit | piercetransit.org/artcontest<https://www.piercetransit.org/artcontest> | Ongoing | FREE ________________________________ Community Engagement Projects [js]Ten Tacoma-based artists and teams are sharing out a message of care and compassion with our community on an intimate level. These artists are each producing a care project – some virtually and some physically – for the community to participate in for free. Follow along on the Tacoma Arts Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission/> and Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/> channels and read about the projects on the Community Engagement Projects page<https://tacomaartsmonth.com/community-engagement/>. Jamika Scott - Where Is Your Heart? Where do you love? What makes you laugh? What makes you smile? For Tacoma Arts Month, Jamika is photographing and filming residents as they talk about the people, places, and things bringing them joy. Check out this project as it develops on social media and get a sneak peek into this image. "My heart is with family and friends. My heart is with writing and filmmaking. My heart is with equitable communities. My heart is with stunning sunsets. My heart is with Tacoma." Saiyare Refaei - When will we begin to act and care for our planet? Attend the free virtual opening for the 350 Tacoma Window Art Collaboration on October 20 and register for your Zoom link here: washington.zoom.us/meeting/register<https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpceCqrjwpE9CbHvxt43mlD3R8g5YWAZDM>. Saiyare Refaei, in collaboration with Gerardo Peña, Speakthunder Berry, Elle Grey, and Beverly Naidus, is painting a mural to raise the question: “when will we begin to act and care for our planet?” These are two of ten Community Engagement Projects happening during Tacoma Arts Month! Photo courtesy of Jamika Scott ________________________________ Art Kits for Tacoma Public Schools Middle and High School Students [artkitscreen]<https://www.facebook.com/tacomaschools/videos/266408027987941/> Check out this video<https://www.facebook.com/tacomaschools/videos/266408027987941/> and listen to student reactions to the art kits. Shout out to Tacoma Public Schools and their coverage of the the art supply kit distribution on-site earlier at Lincoln High School. Watch this video<https://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission/videos/255454829236444/> and hear from Heather Conklin, a Tacoma Public Schools art teacher and Chair of the Tacoma Arts Commission, talk about the art supply kits to 2,500 Tacoma Public Schools middle and high school students. These kits support arts education as well as self-expression and self-care during remote learning. ________________________________ Artists in Focus [kdean]<https://tacomaartsmonth.com/artists/rozarii-lynch/> October 1 - 31 | Available 24/7 | Virtual Program FREE! Tacoma creatives, working in a variety of artistic disciplines, are sharing videos and images of their work and creative practice. Check out Artists in Focus<https://tacomaartsmonth.com/artists-in-focus/> to learn about the creative process and see how and where artists create their work. Photo courtesy of Katie Dean ________________________________ Art Exhibits [In-the-spirit-logo-long-exhibit.jpg]Enjoy a mix of in-person and virtual exhibits this October. Find out more<http://tacomaartsmonth.com/exhibits/>. Image courtesy of Washington State History Museum ________________________________ Self-Paced Public Art Tour [arttour]<https://wspdsmap.cityoftacoma.org/website/Art2/viewer.htm> Take a virtual tour of some of the public art pieces that can be discovered throughout Pierce County. Search by category, location, or artist to explore the diverse range of public art and map out a customized itinerary to experience the work in person or from a vehicle. Click here<https://wspdsmap.cityoftacoma.org/website/Art2/viewer.htm> for more info. ________________________________ Thank you to our sponsors Media Sponsors: KNKX<https://www.knkx.org/>, Showcase Magazine<https://www.showcasemedialive.com/>, Northwest Public Broadcasting<http://nwpr.org/> [Tacoma Arts Month]<http://www.tacomaartsmonth.com/> [Facebook]<https://www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/>