Winter Baroque Fest! Feb 13 & 26: Tacoma Salish Sea Early Music Festival

Salish Sea Early Music Festival
Tue, Feb 6, 2024 9:08 PM

//Susie Napper//Stephen Stubbs///////Elisabeth Wright///Jeffrey
Cohan////////David Greenberg////
////Napper, Stubbs, Wright, Cohan & Greenberg// ssemf

             ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷
— Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM:
Simphonie Nouvelle plays Louis IX and J.S. Bach
with Susie Napper (viola da gamba), Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar) &
Jeffrey Cohan (baroque flute)

— Monday, February 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM:
Telemann Paris Quartets
with David Greenberg (baroque violin), Elisabeth Wright (harpsichord),
Susie Napper (viola da gamba) & Jeffrey Cohan (baroque flute)

St, Luke's Memorial Episcopal Church
    3615 N Gove Street in Tacoma
   — suggested donation $20 to $30 (a free will offering; please pay as
you wish)
             ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷

Salish Sea Winter Baroque Fest! Two wildly different, equally exciting
programs, with amazing musicians and baroque repertoire that you must
hear. Please do join us on the 13th and 26th in Tacoma!

Stephen Stubbs (LA) is a long-time director of the Boston Early Music
Festival and founder of Pacific Music Works, and is in demand as
director of opera productions in Europe and North America. Goddess of
the viola da gamba Susie Napper (Montreal) is founder and director
emeritus of the long-running Montreal Baroque Festival and performs
world-wide. David Greenberg (Corvalis OR) has traveled the globe as
baroque violinist and Cape Breton fiddler. Elisabeth Wright (Bloomington
IN) has performed throughout the world as harpsichord soloist, and as
long-time professor at Indiana University has drawn students from around
the world. Along with flutist and Salish Sea Early Music Festival
director Jeffrey Cohan.

Early Music America

/The Salish Sea Early Music Festival is pleased to be an affiliate
organization of Early Music America, which develops, strengthens, and
celebrates early music and historically informed performance in North

//Susie Napper//Stephen Stubbs///////Elisabeth Wright///Jeffrey Cohan////////David Greenberg//// ////Napper, Stubbs, Wright, Cohan & Greenberg// ssemf / / ********************              ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷ — Tuesday, *February 13*, 2024 at 7:00 PM: • *Simphonie Nouvelle plays Louis IX and J.S. Bach* • with Susie Napper (viola da gamba), Stephen Stubbs (baroque guitar) & Jeffrey Cohan (baroque flute) — Monday, *February 26*, 2024 at 7:00 PM: • *Telemann Paris Quartets* • with David Greenberg (baroque violin), Elisabeth Wright (harpsichord), Susie Napper (viola da gamba) & Jeffrey Cohan (baroque flute) *St, Luke's Memorial Episcopal Church*     3615 N Gove Street in Tacoma    — suggested donation $20 to $30 (a free will offering; please pay as you wish)              ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷  ✣  ✷ Salish Sea Winter Baroque Fest! Two wildly different, equally exciting programs, with amazing musicians and baroque repertoire that you must hear. Please do join us on the 13th and 26th in Tacoma! Stephen Stubbs (LA) is a long-time director of the Boston Early Music Festival and founder of Pacific Music Works, and is in demand as director of opera productions in Europe and North America. Goddess of the viola da gamba Susie Napper (Montreal) is founder and director emeritus of the long-running Montreal Baroque Festival and performs world-wide. David Greenberg (Corvalis OR) has traveled the globe as baroque violinist and Cape Breton fiddler. Elisabeth Wright (Bloomington IN) has performed throughout the world as harpsichord soloist, and as long-time professor at Indiana University has drawn students from around the world. Along with flutist and Salish Sea Early Music Festival director Jeffrey Cohan. *****Early Music America***** /The Salish Sea Early Music Festival is pleased to be an affiliate organization of Early Music America, which develops, strengthens, and celebrates early music and historically informed performance in North America./