Tacoma thrives together when we come together! Tacoma's cultural sector embodies innovation and perseverance, and the Arts & Cultural Vitality Division is proud to support a growing and collaborative creative ecosystem. We work with creatives, organizations, and cultural partners to serve the evolving needs of our community through funding, public art, community programming, and professional development.
New research proves what we can see all around us - that investing in arts and culture has significant and measurable impacts on our community's economic and social wellbeing. Our 2023 Annual Report illustrates the far-reaching impacts that our collective investments in the cultural sector have on our community.
You can read the full 2023 Annual Report herehttps://cms.cityoftacoma.org/CEDD/TacomaCulture/arts/TA_TAC_23YearInReview_FullReport.pdf or scan the overview below.
Thank you to the numerous individual creatives, organizations, cultural partners, panel members, staff, participants, volunteers, and attendees who help cultivate this thriving movement of arts and culture in Tacoma.
*Header photo from a performance at The Barefoot Collective's 2023 Healing Movement outdoor dance concert. Photo courtesy of The Barefoot Collective
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Find out more about how the City of Tacoma's Arts & Cultural Vitality Division serves our community at cityoftacoma.org/artshttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts and tacomacreates.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tacomacreates.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!W_tZp3moIiQda8g9vyOpop2yQotyb33rtdlSFtn1dflPeIfmSDO6CKUI5d5Sv0E3W3dpPR0MH51CNjO7aLqiOE10qcCZbKKnDJlx$.
Funding & Cultural Programs Manager
Arts & Cultural Vitality Division
253.591.5191 (desk)
253.453.9983 (cell)
Arts & Cultural Vitality Divisionhttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts | Tacoma Createshttp://www.tacomacreates.org/