We are thrilled to announce Harbor History Museum's Maritime Gallery Grand Opening on April 26, 2025 from 11am to 4pm. Please contact us if you'd like any additional photos or graphics or if you have any questions.
[https://res.public.onecdn.static.microsoft/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png]Maritime Gallery Grand Opening Media Release HHM 1.pdfhttps://harborhistorymuseum-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/marketing_harborhistorymuseum_org/EVjyDWM8rpNLgK3jVn3Jb2YBBgKnXvFrVzhfUVKPBKf8Sg
Libby Spangler | Marketing Assistant
4121 Harborview Drive
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
253-858-6722 ext.4
We are thrilled to announce Harbor History Museum's Maritime Gallery Grand Opening on April 26, 2025 from 11am to 4pm. Please contact us if you'd like any additional photos or graphics or if you have any questions.
[https://res.public.onecdn.static.microsoft/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png]Maritime Gallery Grand Opening Media Release HHM 1.pdf<https://harborhistorymuseum-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/marketing_harborhistorymuseum_org/EVjyDWM8rpNLgK3jVn3Jb2YBBgKnXvFrVzhfUVKPBKf8Sg>
Libby Spangler | Marketing Assistant
4121 Harborview Drive
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
253-858-6722 ext.4