Purdy Spit beach cleanup this Saturday

Thu, Feb 11, 2016 6:19 PM

Join Surfrider from 10 to noon this Saturday the 13th, to clean up the
beaches lining Purdy Spit.  Cross the bridge in Purdy, heading west on
route 302, and we'll meet at the far side of the Spit.  Look for the blue
Surfrider flag in the small gravel parking area on the water side.  Purdy
Sand Spit,
Drive carefully, as weekend traffic on the Spit can be heavy.  Rain or
shine, see you there!

South Sound Chapter Surfrider Foundation

Join Surfrider from 10 to noon this Saturday the 13th, to clean up the beaches lining Purdy Spit. Cross the bridge in Purdy, heading west on route 302, and we'll meet at the far side of the Spit. Look for the blue Surfrider flag in the small gravel parking area on the water side. Purdy Sand Spit, <http://surfrider.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=4ad6f69597242c327d879d56f&id=fffac8de93&e=a449dc40f1> Drive carefully, as weekend traffic on the Spit can be heavy. Rain or shine, see you there! -- South Sound Chapter Surfrider Foundation southsound@surfrider.org www.surfrider.org/southsound