Tahoma Audubon is hiring!

Krystal Kyer
Mon, Apr 18, 2016 5:10 PM

Good Morning,

After 10 years with Tahoma Audubon, I've decided its a good time to step
away from my role as Executive Director. An announcement went out
yesterday: http://eepurl.com/bYfHxH

The board of directors is diligently working to recruit the next Executive
Director, and the new ED job announcement is already posted on our website
on the "staff" page: http://tahomaaudubon.org/page-30301.First review of
applicatons begins May 16th, with a likely hire date sometime in July.

Tahoma Audubon is one of the oldest nonprofit environmental organizations
based in and focused on Pierce County, and one of only a few with staff.
This is a great opportunity for the right person. Please help us spread the



Krystal Kyer, MES
Executive Director

This spring, become a Birdathoner
http://www.tahomaaudubon.org/birdathon/becomeabirdathoner or sponsor my
Birdathon trip

support of bird + wildlife experiences and habitat preservation across
Pierce County.

Connecting people with birds, other wildlife and their habitats through
conservation, education and recreation.


Adriana Hess Audubon Center  |  2917 Morrison Road W, University Place,
WA 98466
Center: 253-565-9278 <%28253%29%20565-9278>  |  Membership: 253-565-9129
<%28253%29%20565-9129>  |  www.tahomaaudubon.org

Good Morning, After 10 years with Tahoma Audubon, I've decided its a good time to step away from my role as Executive Director. An announcement went out yesterday: http://eepurl.com/bYfHxH The board of directors is diligently working to recruit the next Executive Director, and the new ED job announcement is already posted on our website on the "staff" page: http://tahomaaudubon.org/page-30301.First review of applicatons begins May 16th, with a likely hire date sometime in July. Tahoma Audubon is one of the oldest nonprofit environmental organizations based in and focused on Pierce County, and one of only a few with staff. This is a great opportunity for the right person. Please help us spread the word. Thanks! Krystal Krystal Kyer, MES Executive Director This spring, *become a Birdathoner* <http://www.tahomaaudubon.org/birdathon/becomeabirdathoner> or *sponsor my Birdathon trip <https://tahoma.z2systems.com/np/clients/tahoma/campaign.jsp?campaign=6&fundraiser=7809&>* in support of bird + wildlife experiences and habitat preservation across Pierce County. *Connecting people with birds, other wildlife and their habitats through conservation, education and recreation.* *__________________________________* *Adriana Hess Audubon Center* | 2917 Morrison Road W, University Place, WA 98466 Center: 253-565-9278 <%28253%29%20565-9278> | Membership: 253-565-9129 <%28253%29%20565-9129> | www.tahomaaudubon.org