Spring is almost here!
This spring, help kids explore their artistic side and discover birds of
Mt. Rainier by participating in Tahoma Audubon's annual contest for Pierce
County youth in 1st-8th grades.
Our theme this year is iconic birds of Mt. Rainier
http://www.nps.gov/mora/learn/nature/birds.htm, in celebration of
the National
Park Service centennial http://www.nps.gov/subjects/centennial/index.htm
and Every Kid in a Park https://www.everykidinapark.gov/ campaign.
This year we are partnering with Feast Arts Center
http://www.feastarts.com/ in Tacoma to have a Drop-in Draw Day on April
16th! The Tacoma Nature Center
http://www.metroparkstacoma.org/tacomanaturecenter will host the awards
reception in May and selected artwork will be on display this summer.
Complete contest rules and details are on our website at:
www.tahomaaudubon.org/contest. Submissions deadline is April 23rd. The
contest flier is also attached.
Thank you,
Krystal Kyer