
Notice of Real Property Surplus Sale

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Public Notice - Sale of City Property

Notice of Surplus Sale of City-Owned Real Property
Wed, Nov 27, 2013 3:50 PM

The City of Tacoma, Department of Public Works - Tacoma Rail Mountain Division, is proposing a sale
of approximately 1.21 miles of Railroad Right-of-Way located between East D and Bay Streets, near
Freighthouse Square.  The City has determined that this portion of the right-of-way is surplus to its needs
and should be sold to Sound Transit for use in the inter-city commuter rail line.

A Public Hearing has been scheduled for December 10, 2013 regarding this proposed sale via the Negotiated
Disposition process. The intent of this process is to conduct a sale which will allow Tacoma Rail to continue its
freight operations while improving and enhancing the regional transportation system. The Negotiation
Disposition process allows the City to enter into negotiations with a buyer that meets unique requirements,
such as the ability to operate and maintain railroad infrastructure.

This sale does not impact the operations of Tacoma Rail.

For more information please contact Gloria Fletcher at (253) 502-8573 or at gfletcher@cityoftacoma.org.

The City of Tacoma, Department of Public Works - Tacoma Rail Mountain Division, is proposing a sale of approximately 1.21 miles of Railroad Right-of-Way located between East D and Bay Streets, near Freighthouse Square. The City has determined that this portion of the right-of-way is surplus to its needs and should be sold to Sound Transit for use in the inter-city commuter rail line. A Public Hearing has been scheduled for December 10, 2013 regarding this proposed sale via the Negotiated Disposition process. The intent of this process is to conduct a sale which will allow Tacoma Rail to continue its freight operations while improving and enhancing the regional transportation system. The Negotiation Disposition process allows the City to enter into negotiations with a buyer that meets unique requirements, such as the ability to operate and maintain railroad infrastructure. This sale does not impact the operations of Tacoma Rail. For more information please contact Gloria Fletcher at (253) 502-8573 or at gfletcher@cityoftacoma.org. [cid:image003.jpg@01CEEB45.50BA4AE0] * For the City's Surplus Real Property website, go to http://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?portalId=169&pageId=12057 * Click this link for additional Surplus Properties<http://www.govme.org/govME2/service/Surplus/SurplusProperty.aspx> owned by the City of Tacoma, Tacoma School District, Metro Parks and Pierce County. * If you would like to receive e-mail notifications about City of Tacoma Surplus Property, please send an e-mail with "subscribe" in the subject line to tacomasurplusproperty-request@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:tacomasurplusproperty-request@cityoftacoma.org>. * To unsubscribe, send an e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the subject line to tacomasurplusproperty-request@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:tacomasurplusproperty-request@cityoftacoma.org>.