We are so excited to announce our first month of programming in our brand
new space at the Tacoma Public Library, Main Branch. We cannot wait to
share this new space with the community and hope to see you at one (or
more) of our upcoming programs!
-February 15th, 12pm-4pm- Poetry Writing and Victorian Puzzle Purse Making
for teens
-February 18th, 5:30pm-7:30pm- Well Versed Teen Open Mic
-February 22nd, 12pm-4pm- Reading and Tea Party for teens
-February 23rd, 12pm-2pm- Ours Poetica, a writing workshop for teachers who
write and writers who teach
All events are at Write253, 1102 Tacoma Ave S, Suite 208, upstairs at the
Tacoma Library Main Branch. Flyers with more details are attached here.
The Write253 team