Hilltop Plaque Project

Solverson, Rebecca
Fri, May 19, 2023 9:11 PM

Do you have stories to share about important people, places, or events in Hilltop, or a desire to help identify which stories need to be told? As part of the Hilltop Streetscape Improvement Project, we are creating up to 20 bronze plaques that will each include a photo and paragraph about an important story in Hilltop. The plaques will be installed along Martin Luther King Jr. Way, between 6th Ave and S. 19th. We are looking for people, places, businesses, events, stories, and organizations to honor permanently in the streetscape. This project is informed in part by community engagement and outreach done in 2016-2018, where there were many calls for the history of Hilltop to be included in the design of the streetscape. A committee of community members is helping to review and refine the subjects and design of these plaques. You can find more info about the engagement work that has already been done here: Hilltop creative specialists engage community about street design | Tacoma Daily Indexhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tacomadailyindex.com/blog/hilltop-creative-specialists-engage-community-about-street-design/2443724/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WF8buoTIfrH5QbpRWamr7GT4WA3L7cOkO0cfFkH4w4f_3IeEn0hODRWgkKaDxQQrVrwWFFvWZt4RiYwb1WPJQ9_W2xQ5-e0$ and here: Links to Opportunity - City of Tacomahttps://www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_departments/planning_and_development_services/planning_services/links_to_opportunity.

Click this link to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HilltopPlaques


Public Art Specialist
Office of Arts & Cultural Vitality
253.591.5564 (desk)
253.381.5397 (cell)
Office of Arts & Cultural Vitalityhttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts | Tacoma Createshttp://www.tacomacreates.org/

Do you have stories to share about important people, places, or events in Hilltop, or a desire to help identify which stories need to be told? As part of the Hilltop Streetscape Improvement Project, we are creating up to 20 bronze plaques that will each include a photo and paragraph about an important story in Hilltop. The plaques will be installed along Martin Luther King Jr. Way, between 6th Ave and S. 19th. We are looking for people, places, businesses, events, stories, and organizations to honor permanently in the streetscape. This project is informed in part by community engagement and outreach done in 2016-2018, where there were many calls for the history of Hilltop to be included in the design of the streetscape. A committee of community members is helping to review and refine the subjects and design of these plaques. You can find more info about the engagement work that has already been done here: Hilltop creative specialists engage community about street design | Tacoma Daily Index<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tacomadailyindex.com/blog/hilltop-creative-specialists-engage-community-about-street-design/2443724/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WF8buoTIfrH5QbpRWamr7GT4WA3L7cOkO0cfFkH4w4f_3IeEn0hODRWgkKaDxQQrVrwWFFvWZt4RiYwb1WPJQ9_W2xQ5-e0$> and here: Links to Opportunity - City of Tacoma<https://www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_departments/planning_and_development_services/planning_services/links_to_opportunity>. Click this link to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HilltopPlaques Thanks, Rebecca REBECCA SOLVERSON (she/her) Public Art Specialist Office of Arts & Cultural Vitality 253.591.5564 (desk) 253.381.5397 (cell) Office of Arts & Cultural Vitality<http://www.cityoftacoma.org/arts> | Tacoma Creates<http://www.tacomacreates.org/>