Members of Intergovernmental Network Consortium of Tacoma-Pierce County
View all threadsINCTPC as users of the Interagency fiber has been concerned with the performance and condition of the loop infrastructure. The group has discussed this issue and several of our monthly meetings. As a possible method to secure funding for upgrading and possibly extended the usefulness of the Interagency fiber we may want to apply for funds from the ongoing UASI fund mechanism.
I have attached a very short synopsis of what we may be requesting. I enlist your support by soliciting your comments concerning this. Please let me know how your individual agencies may feel about this type of project. That might include extending or changing the scope. Also, I would like to know if you support this direction. If so indication of that support would be appropriate. Unfortunately, the time frame for this years submissions is short, so please respond in the next week or two.
Please reply with any questions, support information, or additional comments to:
Thank you.