Open meetings (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
September - June
Country Place Condominiums Club House
7801 53rd Ave. W / Lakewood WA 98499
February 18th / 11 - 1:00 pm
Our February demonstration will be given by Marjorie Mankin on “Fractured
Light”. This applies to all mediums, explaining how to incorporate light
into your paintings. Marjorie says this will be a hands on demo so bring
whatever medium you work in to work with.
PGA is a friendly group of experienced artists who enjoy monthly
demonstrations and fellowship. Visitors are always welcome!
Find us on FB and online at
Open meetings (every 3rd Tuesday of the month)
September - June
Country Place Condominiums Club House
7801 53rd Ave. W / Lakewood WA 98499
February 18th / 11 - 1:00 pm
Our February demonstration will be given by Marjorie Mankin on “Fractured
Light”. This applies to all mediums, explaining how to incorporate light
into your paintings. Marjorie says this will be a hands on demo so bring
whatever medium you work in to work with.
PGA is a friendly group of experienced artists who enjoy monthly
demonstrations and fellowship. Visitors are always welcome!
Find us on FB and online at