[logodesignFINAL] NEW Free Workshop
Advance registration required
or call (253) 573-2426
Mason Bees - SO Easy and SO Productive!
Saturday, March 26, 1:30 PM (last one this year)
Did you know Mason Bees are primary pollinators of fruit trees
and berry crops? Installing and maintaining a Mason Bee house
will increase your fruit crop yields dramatically plus make a positive
contribution to our ecosystem by supporting a native species.
Join Travis Valbert from GardenSphere and discover just how
quick, easy and fun it is to add a Mason Bee "apartment."
Mason Bees are essentially maintenance free
Housing is small, inexpensive and easy to install
Mason Bees don't sting
Mason Bees carry over from year to year
Location: City of Tacoma EnviroHouse
Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center (former Landfill)
3510 S. Mullen St., Tacoma 98409 (off Center Street)
Directions on website: www.cityoftacoma.org/EnviroHousehttp://www.cityoftacoma.org/EnviroHouse/
Workshops open to Tacoma & Pierce County residents.
City of Tacoma EnviroHouse
Public Hours: Wed.-Fri.: 10-3; Sat.-Sun.: 11-5