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Celebrate 22 years of Tacoma Arts Month

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Tue, Sep 26, 2023 5:25 PM

[Tacoma Arts Month 2023]
September 25, 2023
22 Years of Tacoma Arts Month!

Each October, Tacoma celebrates Tacoma Arts Month – 31 days dedicated to showing off the very best about our community. The month is full of arts and culture programs and there is something for everyone to enjoy: music, dance and theater performances; visual art exhibits; literary readings; lectures; workshops; film screenings and cultural events. Events are taking place virtually and in-person. All you have to do is choose what you want to enjoy. Take this opportunity to experience something new as we celebrate Tacoma’s cultural community.

Celebrate arts. Experience culture. Embrace community. Connect with creativity. Share joy.

These newsletters will be sent weekly through October. For more information, visit TacomaArtsMonth.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VVlS9oNU$ and check out each presenter's website.

Looking for something to do this October?

[Photo of young person playing guitar during the Kaleidoscope Tacoma Arts Month Opening Party]Find an Event
Visit the Tacoma Arts Month Events webpagehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/events/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V8W_PdAI$ where you can find a calendar full of arts and culture events happening throughout the month. Browse all events in the calendar, search by a specific date, or use the search or filter functions to look for specific programs. New events are being added all the time.

Add an Event
Have an arts or culture event, activity, class, workshop, or exhibit that is happening in Tacoma this October that you’d like included in this calendar? Click here to add an eventhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/app.time.ly/signup?calendar_id=54705487__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VgdShoNE$ to the Tacoma Arts Month calendar. If you need assistance, please follow these step-by-step directionshttps://cms.cityoftacoma.org/CEDD/TacomaCulture/arts/TA_TAMonth_AddingEventsToCalendar.pdf.

Celebrate 22 Years of Tacoma Arts Month!
[The Vision Step Team, a group of young people performing dance moves]Thursday, October 5
STAR Center, 3873 S. 66th Streethttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/goo.gl/maps/vShg2e4pNdwgsWoM7__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VIDfPuw8$
Free and for all ages

Start Tacoma Arts Month off with a kaleidoscope of music and dance performances, hands-on activities, visual art, and more at this free, family friendly, community celebration! Enjoy appetizers and refreshments while we honor the 2023 AMOCAT Arts Award recipients. The evening will commence after a blessing from the Puyallup Tribe Culture Department. Presented by the Tacoma Arts Commission.

This event is wheelchair accessible. Accessible parking is directly adjacent to STAR Center.

Parking: Limited parking is available onsite. Guests are highly encouraged to take public transit or carpool to this event.

Public Transit: STAR Center is service by Pierce Transithttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.piercetransit.org/pierce-transit-routes/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-I7Hiog$ bus routes 53 and 3
comedy by Meanroth Ny of the Southeast Asian Comedy Collective
fashion show by Golden Bamboo Walking Club
music by Jaziré and Cassio Vianna
dance by Sophie Marie Schatz
poetry by Tacoma Poet Laureate Christian Paige
printing project with Write253 / Line Break Press
cultural activities with Asia Pacific Cultural Center
poetry with Burl Battersby
collaborative mural making with Mary Mann
ceramics project with Kristina Batiste
crafting activity with Toolbox Laboratories
STEAM-based activity with FabLab
lantern making with Tacoma Light Trail
tree ID exercise with Tacoma Tree Foundation
demonstration with Alchemy Skateboarding
selfie station by Metro Arts Tacoma
language exchange with Latinx Unidos of South Sound
walking tour with Golden Bamboo Walking Club
Roxann Murray, Kalvin Satiacum, and Yoshi Nakagawa
short films by Donovan Wilson and Melinda Raebyne
Kristina Batiste and Reid Ozaki - Community Outreach by an Individual
Southeast Asian Comedy Collective - Community Outreach by an Organization
Foster’s Creative - Arts Patron
Trini Platehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.triniplate.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V8r2knUQ$
STAR Center, Metro Parks Tacoma

Tacoma Studio Tour
[Collage of photos from previous Studio Tour showing people interacting with artists and art work]October 14 & 15
11 am – 5 pm
Various locations around Tacoma
Free and for all ages

You are invited inside the working studios of 79 Tacoma artists to learn about the artistic process and purchase one of-a-kind creations. All studios will have a demonstration or hands-on activity for visitors. This is a self-guided tour.

Visit the Tacoma Studio Tour Webpagehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V27zaV9g$ for all the details including your Tacoma Studio Tour passport and an interactive map so you can plot your own custom tour course.

Enjoy this opportunity to connect with these Tacoma artists: Kelsey Alger, Mici Baker, Julie Baldock, Burl Battersby, Marit Berg, Alyssa Bergstrom, Adam Blankenship, Dionne Bonner, Jasmine Brown, Marci Carlson, In Memory of Bill Colby, Tom Comstock, Breyahna Coston, Taylor Cox, Craig and Crimson Cross, Chelsea Currah, Lisa Daniel, Laurie Davenport, Jenifer Davis, Cheryl DeGroot, Lynn Di Nino, Jennifer English, Heidi Erdmann, Lynne Farren, Jill Goodman, Steven Grice, Rich Hall, JW Harrington, Lisa Hasegawa, Hilltop Artists, Katherine Hogan, Mark Hoppmann, Mark Hudak, Daniel Hunter, Hans Iverson, Sabrina Johnson, Gwen Jones, Jaymes Junio, Lance Kagey and Tom Llewellyn - Beautiful Angle, Diane Katz, Jane Kenyon, Blake La Rue, Juan La Torre, Amy Lansford, Amy Lewis, Drew Lindgren, Roberta Lowes, Mary Mann, Dorothy McCuistion, John McCuistion, Darrell McKinney, Michal Muehlheim-Peterson, Beverly Naidus, Yoshi Nakagawa, Andrea Newell Greenfield, Gillian Nordlund, Michelle Osborne, Kelsey Parkhurst, Mary Patton, Ronda Peck, Karen Perrine, Judith Perry, Mary Peterson, Yuka Petz, Terri Placentia, Mauricio Robalino, Tessa Rodgers, April Sanders, Bearded Seamstress, Toni Snyder, Jessica Spring, Nicole Turner, Elayne Vogel, Lloyd Warnes, Jennifer Weddermann, Cora Wells, Julia White, and Write253.

Studio Tour Passport – Visit and Win!
Stamp your Studio Tour Passporthttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Studio-Tour-Passport.pdf__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VE6ssaNc$ at each studio address you visit. Collect at least 7 stamps, send us the page by November 5, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of several packages containing artwork hand-crafted by a selection of artists on this tour. One entry per person.

AMOCAT Arts Awards

[AMOCAT AWARD Design by Chandler O'Leary]The AMOCAT Arts Awards recognize the people and groups who positively impact our community with their passion, innovation, and commitment to the arts. There are three categories for recognition:

  • Arts Patron
  • Community Outreach by Organization
  • Community Outreach by an Individual

This year's AMOCAT award winners are community builders! Read more about them below.

[Photo collage of Reid Ozaki and Kristina Batiste of the Tacoma Pottery Salon]Community Outreach by an Individual

The Tacoma Pottery Salonhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tacomapotterysalon.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VsDNiyDA$, founded and led by Reid Ozaki and Kristina Batiste, has succeeded in its mission to build a community, provide educational opportunities, and preserve the history of pottery. It has created a space where potters of all backgrounds and experiences can come together, exchange ideas, and celebrate the diversity of the craft. Feedback from attendees reflects the positive impact of the salon, with participants appreciating the chance to connect, learn, and expand their pottery horizons.

[Photo of the Southeast Asian Comedy Collective after a comedy show]Community Outreach by an Organization

The Southeast Asian Comedy Collectivehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seacomedy.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VYqngBv4$ works in upending commonly held stereotypes by highlighting the diverse cultures and identities of what it means to be Asian in America. With a collective of identities across cultures, generations, and upbringings the collective is using their voices to share unique experiences and perspectives with the world. How is this done? Through comedy.

[Members of Foster's Creative in the SALT event.]Arts Patron

Foster’s Creativehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.fosterscreative.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-0fkH5Y$ has the privilege of collaborating with numerous local businesses, non-profit organizations, and artists. Their marketing campaigns and events often serve as platforms for fostering collaborations between these three sectors. They take pleasure in assisting their clients in discovering ways to collaborate with organizations they admire, thereby creating unique and intriguing avenues for local businesses to positively impact their communities through investment, networking, and giving back.
Thank you to our media sponsors:

KBTChttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.kbtc.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VuTdLDTE$, KNKXhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.knkx.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VoKXEg64$, Northwest Public Broadcastinghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nwpb.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V895Ra1c$, ParentMaphttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.parentmap.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VGRx8mTE$, Previewhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/preview-art.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VDEfrwH8$, South Sound Businesshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundbiz.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VZfWstUA$, South Sound Magazinehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundmag.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VRN5jd6M$, Showcase Magazinehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.showcasemedialive.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VfETgM6Y$, SouthSoundTalkhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundtalk.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-e3W9Zo$

[Tacoma Arts Month]https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.tacomaartsmonth.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4Vb-OhTn0$
[Facebook]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VZ_u2PA4$  [Instagram] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V7UFfzHA$

This email was sent to Email Address using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: City of Tacoma Washington · 747 Market St., Tacoma, WA 98402 · (253) 591-5000
[GovDelivery logo]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/subscriberhelp.granicus.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VqhomGeM$

[Tacoma Arts Month 2023] September 25, 2023 22 Years of Tacoma Arts Month! Each October, Tacoma celebrates Tacoma Arts Month – 31 days dedicated to showing off the very best about our community. The month is full of arts and culture programs and there is something for everyone to enjoy: music, dance and theater performances; visual art exhibits; literary readings; lectures; workshops; film screenings and cultural events. Events are taking place virtually and in-person. All you have to do is choose what you want to enjoy. Take this opportunity to experience something new as we celebrate Tacoma’s cultural community. Celebrate arts. Experience culture. Embrace community. Connect with creativity. Share joy. These newsletters will be sent weekly through October. For more information, visit TacomaArtsMonth.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VVlS9oNU$> and check out each presenter's website. ________________________________ Looking for something to do this October? [Photo of young person playing guitar during the Kaleidoscope Tacoma Arts Month Opening Party]Find an Event Visit the Tacoma Arts Month Events webpage<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/events/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V8W_PdAI$> where you can find a calendar full of arts and culture events happening throughout the month. Browse all events in the calendar, search by a specific date, or use the search or filter functions to look for specific programs. New events are being added all the time. Add an Event Have an arts or culture event, activity, class, workshop, or exhibit that is happening in Tacoma this October that you’d like included in this calendar? Click here to add an event<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/app.time.ly/signup?calendar_id=54705487__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VgdShoNE$> to the Tacoma Arts Month calendar. If you need assistance, please follow these step-by-step directions<https://cms.cityoftacoma.org/CEDD/TacomaCulture/arts/TA_TAMonth_AddingEventsToCalendar.pdf>. ________________________________ Celebrate 22 Years of Tacoma Arts Month! [The Vision Step Team, a group of young people performing dance moves]Thursday, October 5 6:30-9pm STAR Center, 3873 S. 66th Street<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/goo.gl/maps/vShg2e4pNdwgsWoM7__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VIDfPuw8$> Free and for all ages Start Tacoma Arts Month off with a kaleidoscope of music and dance performances, hands-on activities, visual art, and more at this free, family friendly, community celebration! Enjoy appetizers and refreshments while we honor the 2023 AMOCAT Arts Award recipients. The evening will commence after a blessing from the Puyallup Tribe Culture Department. Presented by the Tacoma Arts Commission. This event is wheelchair accessible. Accessible parking is directly adjacent to STAR Center. Parking: Limited parking is available onsite. Guests are highly encouraged to take public transit or carpool to this event. Public Transit: STAR Center is service by Pierce Transit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.piercetransit.org/pierce-transit-routes/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-I7Hiog$> bus routes 53 and 3 PERFORMANCES comedy by Meanroth Ny of the Southeast Asian Comedy Collective fashion show by Golden Bamboo Walking Club music by Jaziré and Cassio Vianna dance by Sophie Marie Schatz poetry by Tacoma Poet Laureate Christian Paige HANDS-ON ACTIVITIES printing project with Write253 / Line Break Press cultural activities with Asia Pacific Cultural Center poetry with Burl Battersby collaborative mural making with Mary Mann ceramics project with Kristina Batiste crafting activity with Toolbox Laboratories STEAM-based activity with FabLab lantern making with Tacoma Light Trail tree ID exercise with Tacoma Tree Foundation demonstration with Alchemy Skateboarding selfie station by Metro Arts Tacoma language exchange with Latinx Unidos of South Sound walking tour with Golden Bamboo Walking Club VISUAL ART Roxann Murray, Kalvin Satiacum, and Yoshi Nakagawa FILM SCREENINGS short films by Donovan Wilson and Melinda Raebyne 2023 AMOCAT ARTS AWARDS Kristina Batiste and Reid Ozaki - Community Outreach by an Individual Southeast Asian Comedy Collective - Community Outreach by an Organization Foster’s Creative - Arts Patron CATERING BY Trini Plate<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.triniplate.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V8r2knUQ$> EVENT PARTNERS STAR Center, Metro Parks Tacoma ________________________________ Tacoma Studio Tour [Collage of photos from previous Studio Tour showing people interacting with artists and art work]October 14 & 15 11 am – 5 pm Various locations around Tacoma Free and for all ages You are invited inside the working studios of 79 Tacoma artists to learn about the artistic process and purchase one of-a-kind creations. All studios will have a demonstration or hands-on activity for visitors. This is a self-guided tour. Visit the Tacoma Studio Tour Webpage<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V27zaV9g$> for all the details including your Tacoma Studio Tour passport and an interactive map so you can plot your own custom tour course. Enjoy this opportunity to connect with these Tacoma artists: Kelsey Alger, Mici Baker, Julie Baldock, Burl Battersby, Marit Berg, Alyssa Bergstrom, Adam Blankenship, Dionne Bonner, Jasmine Brown, Marci Carlson, In Memory of Bill Colby, Tom Comstock, Breyahna Coston, Taylor Cox, Craig and Crimson Cross, Chelsea Currah, Lisa Daniel, Laurie Davenport, Jenifer Davis, Cheryl DeGroot, Lynn Di Nino, Jennifer English, Heidi Erdmann, Lynne Farren, Jill Goodman, Steven Grice, Rich Hall, JW Harrington, Lisa Hasegawa, Hilltop Artists, Katherine Hogan, Mark Hoppmann, Mark Hudak, Daniel Hunter, Hans Iverson, Sabrina Johnson, Gwen Jones, Jaymes Junio, Lance Kagey and Tom Llewellyn - Beautiful Angle, Diane Katz, Jane Kenyon, Blake La Rue, Juan La Torre, Amy Lansford, Amy Lewis, Drew Lindgren, Roberta Lowes, Mary Mann, Dorothy McCuistion, John McCuistion, Darrell McKinney, Michal Muehlheim-Peterson, Beverly Naidus, Yoshi Nakagawa, Andrea Newell Greenfield, Gillian Nordlund, Michelle Osborne, Kelsey Parkhurst, Mary Patton, Ronda Peck, Karen Perrine, Judith Perry, Mary Peterson, Yuka Petz, Terri Placentia, Mauricio Robalino, Tessa Rodgers, April Sanders, Bearded Seamstress, Toni Snyder, Jessica Spring, Nicole Turner, Elayne Vogel, Lloyd Warnes, Jennifer Weddermann, Cora Wells, Julia White, and Write253. Studio Tour Passport – Visit and Win! Stamp your Studio Tour Passport<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Studio-Tour-Passport.pdf__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VE6ssaNc$> at each studio address you visit. Collect at least 7 stamps, send us the page by November 5, and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of several packages containing artwork hand-crafted by a selection of artists on this tour. One entry per person. ________________________________ AMOCAT Arts Awards [AMOCAT AWARD Design by Chandler O'Leary]The AMOCAT Arts Awards recognize the people and groups who positively impact our community with their passion, innovation, and commitment to the arts. There are three categories for recognition: * Arts Patron * Community Outreach by Organization * Community Outreach by an Individual This year's AMOCAT award winners are community builders! Read more about them below. [Photo collage of Reid Ozaki and Kristina Batiste of the Tacoma Pottery Salon]Community Outreach by an Individual The Tacoma Pottery Salon<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.tacomapotterysalon.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VsDNiyDA$>, founded and led by Reid Ozaki and Kristina Batiste, has succeeded in its mission to build a community, provide educational opportunities, and preserve the history of pottery. It has created a space where potters of all backgrounds and experiences can come together, exchange ideas, and celebrate the diversity of the craft. Feedback from attendees reflects the positive impact of the salon, with participants appreciating the chance to connect, learn, and expand their pottery horizons. [Photo of the Southeast Asian Comedy Collective after a comedy show]Community Outreach by an Organization The Southeast Asian Comedy Collective<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seacomedy.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VYqngBv4$> works in upending commonly held stereotypes by highlighting the diverse cultures and identities of what it means to be Asian in America. With a collective of identities across cultures, generations, and upbringings the collective is using their voices to share unique experiences and perspectives with the world. How is this done? Through comedy. [Members of Foster's Creative in the SALT event.]Arts Patron Foster’s Creative<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.fosterscreative.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-0fkH5Y$> has the privilege of collaborating with numerous local businesses, non-profit organizations, and artists. Their marketing campaigns and events often serve as platforms for fostering collaborations between these three sectors. They take pleasure in assisting their clients in discovering ways to collaborate with organizations they admire, thereby creating unique and intriguing avenues for local businesses to positively impact their communities through investment, networking, and giving back. Thank you to our media sponsors: KBTC<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.kbtc.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VuTdLDTE$>, KNKX<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.knkx.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VoKXEg64$>, Northwest Public Broadcasting<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nwpb.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V895Ra1c$>, ParentMap<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.parentmap.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VGRx8mTE$>, Preview<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/preview-art.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VDEfrwH8$>, South Sound Business<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundbiz.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VZfWstUA$>, South Sound Magazine<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundmag.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VRN5jd6M$>, Showcase Magazine<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.showcasemedialive.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VfETgM6Y$>, SouthSoundTalk<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.southsoundtalk.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V-e3W9Zo$> [Tacoma Arts Month]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.tacomaartsmonth.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4Vb-OhTn0$> [Facebook]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VZ_u2PA4$> [Instagram] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4V7UFfzHA$> ________________________________ This email was sent to Email Address using GovDelivery Communications Cloud on behalf of: City of Tacoma Washington · 747 Market St., Tacoma, WA 98402 · (253) 591-5000 [GovDelivery logo]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/subscriberhelp.granicus.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SQkvu-ja4_mEJEWO6bNu8_PufrdJkfVs37vbtFHa9ASDU2aYbTs8-xpfXLi9khrQYPWeolvVgVUunqn2SdefK0X3sJCzpb4VqhomGeM$>