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Upcoming Workshop for Creatives: Sharing Your Story on November 10!

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Thu, Nov 3, 2022 8:57 PM

Upcoming Workshop for Creatives

Sharing Your Story


Virtual Workshop: Sharing Your Story (or How to Write and Talk about Your Work)

Date: November 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Cost: FREE

Opportunity Overview:
Artists are often asked to tell the story of their art and why it matters. Talking and writing about ourselves is a challenging but vital skill for artists, whether our goal is to sell online, via public art, street fairs or any level of gallery representation. How do we present who we are and what we do without being pompous, desperate or feeling like a fake? This presentation aims to put you on a path toward becoming comfortable sharing your story, whether in a personal or online conversation, in an artist statement, bio or resume, or in conversation with peers, other professionals or most importantly, with customers and community members. If you have questions about accessibility and need more information, please contact Chevi Chung (she/her) at cchung1@cityoftacoma.orgmailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%3A%20Sharing%20Your%20Story.

About Miriam Works
Miriam graduated from the UW in Studio Art with a concentration in Art Education and is a painter in encaustic and mixed media. She has presented business and marketing workshops for many artists’ organizations, including the African American Photographers Guild, American Association of Botanical Artists, International Society of Glass Beadmakers, Regional Arts and Culture Council, Tacoma Arts Commission and Women Painters of Washington. She has worked in various roles with Spaceworks Tacoma since 2016 and is currently a coach and instructor for Business Impact Northwesthttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/businessimpactnw.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-g0BMopWA$.

How to Attend: Click here to registerhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrceqqqzsjEtCtuU8aWmpDmEWkYbekzkmw__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gkoQSul0$, please register by November 10.

Questions? Contact Chevi Chung at cchung1@cityoftacoma.orgmailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%3A%20Sharing%20Your%20Story in advance.


The Tacoma Arts Commission is striving toward social justice. We are committed to supporting equitable opportunities to broaden artistic expression while encouraging inter-sectional communities through inclusive relationships and outreach. Arts and culture are uniquely positioned to touch every person and every part of Tacoma. We are committed to supporting the entirety of our community.

ʔuk’ʷədiitəb ʔuhigʷətəb čəɫ txʷəl tiiɫ ʔa čəɫ ʔal tə swatxʷixʷtxʷəd ʔə tiiɫ puyaləpabš dxʷəsɫaɫlils gʷəl ʔutxʷəlšucidəbs həlgʷəʔ.

We gratefully acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People where they make their home and speak the Lushootseed language.


Contact us at:
747 Market Street, Room 900, Tacoma, WA 98402

[https://mcusercontent.com/dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8/images/dbb87d2e-88bf-fcc0-e1cf-4666e798a300.png] Upcoming Workshop for Creatives Sharing Your Story [https://mcusercontent.com/dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8/images/12634ac1-f4c6-c5e2-0efd-cb1d66af5810.png] Virtual Workshop: Sharing Your Story (or How to Write and Talk about Your Work) ________________________________ Date: November 10, 2022 at 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm ________________________________ Cost: FREE ________________________________ Opportunity Overview: Artists are often asked to tell the story of their art and why it matters. Talking and writing about ourselves is a challenging but vital skill for artists, whether our goal is to sell online, via public art, street fairs or any level of gallery representation. How do we present who we are and what we do without being pompous, desperate or feeling like a fake? This presentation aims to put you on a path toward becoming comfortable sharing your story, whether in a personal or online conversation, in an artist statement, bio or resume, or in conversation with peers, other professionals or most importantly, with customers and community members. If you have questions about accessibility and need more information, please contact Chevi Chung (she/her) at cchung1@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%3A%20Sharing%20Your%20Story>. About Miriam Works Miriam graduated from the UW in Studio Art with a concentration in Art Education and is a painter in encaustic and mixed media. She has presented business and marketing workshops for many artists’ organizations, including the African American Photographers Guild, American Association of Botanical Artists, International Society of Glass Beadmakers, Regional Arts and Culture Council, Tacoma Arts Commission and Women Painters of Washington. She has worked in various roles with Spaceworks Tacoma since 2016 and is currently a coach and instructor for Business Impact Northwest<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/businessimpactnw.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-g0BMopWA$>. ________________________________ How to Attend: Click here to register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrceqqqzsjEtCtuU8aWmpDmEWkYbekzkmw__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gkoQSul0$>, please register by November 10. ________________________________ Questions? Contact Chevi Chung at cchung1@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%3A%20Sharing%20Your%20Story> in advance. [Share]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https*3A*2F*2Fus18.campaign-archive.com*2F*3Fu*3Ddab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8*26id*3Dae3f373ea6__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gKUCJ2wU$> Share<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https*3A*2F*2Fus18.campaign-archive.com*2F*3Fu*3Ddab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8*26id*3Dae3f373ea6__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gKUCJ2wU$> [Forward]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us18.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8&id=ae3f373ea6&e=__test_email____;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gAJhTtVs$> Forward<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us18.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8&id=ae3f373ea6&e=__test_email____;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gAJhTtVs$> The Tacoma Arts Commission is striving toward social justice. We are committed to supporting equitable opportunities to broaden artistic expression while encouraging inter-sectional communities through inclusive relationships and outreach. Arts and culture are uniquely positioned to touch every person and every part of Tacoma. We are committed to supporting the entirety of our community. ʔuk’ʷədiitəb ʔuhigʷətəb čəɫ txʷəl tiiɫ ʔa čəɫ ʔal tə swatxʷixʷtxʷəd ʔə tiiɫ puyaləpabš dxʷəsɫaɫlils gʷəl ʔutxʷəlšucidəbs həlgʷəʔ. We gratefully acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People where they make their home and speak the Lushootseed language. [Facebook]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gv4sQfRg$> [Instagram]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XEF107SCPuujUlw7eqgV4duKcuPGTtsjDZdIQB7o02Bq3BzOBJIqfgrSfvfNCym-CmE5-MqgqGmX_Nk2Gfnr2u-gJLFVqdI$> Contact us at: tacomaarts@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:tacomaarts@cityoftacoma.org> 747 Market Street, Room 900, Tacoma, WA 98402 cityoftacoma.org/arts<https://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?pageId=26307>