Members of Intergovernmental Network Consortium of Tacoma-Pierce County
View all threadsGentlemen. As I reported at one of our recent INCTPC meetings we are working on improving the IGN connectivity with the State. We are looking at several options, nothing is decided yet. I need your help in getting me a list of applications that are traversing the IGN to access the State. Pierce County is getting its list together and I was hoping you each could provide a list of your agencies applications. Do not worry about duplication at this time, the best list we can come up with is what is need now.
I need this prior to the meeting listed below which is on January 15th. So please have your input to me by 10th. Thank you very much for your help.
From: Schrier, Bill (OCIO) []
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 9:12 AM
To: O'Donnell, Molly (CTS); Kirk, Agnes (CTS); Wallace, Tom (WSP); Diseth, Veronica (Courts); Schmitt, Kelly (DSHS/ISSD); Mike Thurman; Peck, Donald E (DOH); Longnecker, Dennis; Sterland, Mark (CTS); O'Keeffe, Rich (CTS); Ferris, Brian; Huntley, Michael; Johnson, Charlie (DSHS/ISSD); Ferris, Brian; Diseth, Veronica (Courts); Bream, Scott (OCIO); ''; Auldredge, Tracy (DOH); Leitch, Brian N (DOH)
Subject: Proposed January IGN Stakeholders Follow-up Meeting
For: County Governmental and State Agency Stakeholders in the Intergovernmental Network (IGN)
(Please forward this to others in your agency who are involved in this topic - not all are visible in the shared address book).
On October 22nd there was a meeting of a group of stakeholders from most of the agencies which operate or use applications on the IGN. The notes from that meeting are attached again.
We agreed that further discussion is needed to determine possible solutions to the IGN issues raised. (see the notes). We also agreed to have a follow-up meeting to discuss this proposed work in more detail. The State Office of the CIO and Consolidated Technology Services Department propose to hold this next meeting in Olympia on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 starting at about 1:00 PM.
Agenda for the meeting:
Review notes from the October 22nd meeting and discuss potential solutions to re-architect the IGN.
One solution to the present IGN issues would be for State agencies to make their applications Internet-accessible. That is, change the apps to use the Internet in a secure fashion so the IGN can be decommissioned. This option might include using "secure access Washington (SAW)" or another means. We will discuss this option first, and specifically determine if stakeholders and app owners are comfortable with option. If so, how and when could it occur?
Next we'll discuss other options, e.g. using secure VPN tunnels Internet connections. Again, this solution, if implemented, would allow decommissioning of the existing IGN but would not require re-writing apps to make them Internet accessible. Would stakeholders (both counties and app owners) be comfortable with such a solution, e.g. VPN into the IGN? Are there performance hits using VPN? What kind of software and hardware solutions, e.g. gateway, key fob, certificate, buy from the state would we use?
Discuss other options, e.g. network redesigns, such as moving to the Local Government Network (LGN) being developed by a set of counties, drop existing IGN circuits, new IGN etc.
Review and next steps.
In preparation for this meeting, please have internal discussions in your agency and come prepared with the following materials or background information.
For State agency applications owners including AOC, WSP, DSHS, DOH, Secretary of State:
What are your applications which presently use the IGN (come prepared with a list)?
Where do those apps presently reside, e.g. on the SGN, IGN or PGN?
Are these applications already Internet-accessible? In other words, are they already written so they do not require a private network to be used in counties and other remote locations?
If not Internet-accessible, are there any issues preventing rewriting them?
How fast could they be rewritten to be Internet-facing?
For counties, prepare a list of IGN-based apps used in your governmental operations. This is important so the whole group knows what apps are presently in use and critical to your business functions
CTS will provide:
A break-down of the operating costs by category (FTEs, equipment, etc.)
A listing of counties/agencies and with their current billed rates broken out.
Each agency should also understand and be able to describe the VPN software and hardware presently used by the agency, if any.
If you have a concern about billing for the existing IGN, bring your hardcopy CTS bills for discussion.
It is important that we "hang together" as we move forward to re-architect the IGN. Unless we plan this carefully, some stakeholders and applications owners may very well transition to different networks in the near future, leaving other stakeholders to pay a higher portion of the existing IGN costs. It is much better to produce a coherent plan to move forward.
Bill Schrier
State of Washington Office of the CIO
o: 360-902-3574
m: 206-255-2156
t: @billschrier