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Accepting Applications for the 2023-2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Fri, Jan 13, 2023 11:41 PM


2023-2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate

Current and past Tacoma Poets Laureate pictured: Lydia K. Valentine (2021-2023), Abby E. Murray (2019-2021), Kellie Richardson (2017-2019), Thy Nguyễn (2015 - 2017), Lucas Smiraldo (2013-2015), Josie Emmons Turner (2011-2013), Tammy Robacker (2010-2011), Antonio Edwards, Jr. (2009-2010) and William Kupinse (2008-2009).

Application Deadline: January 30, 2023, 11:59 pm

Stipend: $4,000
Additional Project Budget: $1,000

Eligibility extends to individuals who live in Pierce County and are actively engaged in Tacoma’s creative community; are active literary artists, dedicated to producing work on a regular basis; and are at least 18 years old. Individuals who are previous Tacoma Poet Laureate titleholders are not eligible. Other eligibility requirements apply. See guidelines for complete terms.https://cms.cityoftacoma.org/CEDD/TacomaCulture/arts/TA_PL_23Application.pdf

The Tacoma Arts Commission is accepting applications for the 2023-2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate position. Literary artists who are emerging, professional, or established artists producing poetry in any form, genre, or style are encouraged to apply. We will also consider writers who work in additional genres whose work intersects with poetry. The Poet Laureate will build community, amplify what is unique about Tacoma, and provide opportunities for people’s voices to be heard.

The Tacoma Poet Laureate will hold the title for a period of two years, from May 2023 to April 2025, and receive a stipend of $4,000 paid in 4 installments over the two-year term. The Poet Laureate will have access to an additional project budget of up to $1,000 to help implement programming. The individual will actively contribute to and advance Tacoma’s literary community in meaningful ways through readings, performances, workshops, presentations, publications and/or special projects – whether in-person or virtually; participate in Tacoma Arts Month each October; and help produce the 2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate ceremony to announce the next Poet Laureate. The individual should actively strive to engage the breadth of Tacoma’s residents, expanding access to the literary arts to underserved/underrepresented audiences. The Poet Laureate is expected to determine the direction, focus, and appropriate public components for their term of service.

Current Tacoma Poet Laureate Lydia K. Valentine will curate and host a poetry event at which the newly selected Poet Laureate will be honored. The event date will be announced in early 2023.

More Info: Visit www.cityoftacoma.org/artsoppshttps://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?pageId=1656 for complete information about this opportunity.

How to Apply: Submit your Tacoma Poet Laureate application form at https://tacomaarts.submittable.com/submithttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaarts.submittable.com/submit__;!!CRCbkf1f!THffnoiI7Q9NwQsW6JPnS_cuUcz3fkFPyOec3PnfTuCdsvnRfzyWIfFJRSzY8jtx1OY5-33jvrHPNZTMXdVCz2sGkoMxzbU$.

Questions? Contact Chevi Chung at 253.591.5171 or by email at cchung1@cityoftacoma.orgmailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%20about%20Tacoma%20Poet%20Laureate%20Application.


The Tacoma Arts Commission is striving toward social justice. We are committed to supporting equitable opportunities to broaden artistic expression while encouraging inter-sectional communities through inclusive relationships and outreach. Arts and culture are uniquely positioned to touch every person and every part of Tacoma. We are committed to supporting the entirety of our community.

ʔuk’ʷədiitəb ʔuhigʷətəb čəɫ txʷəl tiiɫ ʔa čəɫ ʔal tə swatxʷixʷtxʷəd ʔə tiiɫ puyaləpabš dxʷəsɫaɫlils gʷəl ʔutxʷəlšucidəbs həlgʷəʔ.

We gratefully acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People where they make their home and speak the Lushootseed language.


Contact us at:
747 Market Street, Room 900, Tacoma, WA 98402

[https://mcusercontent.com/dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8/images/dbb87d2e-88bf-fcc0-e1cf-4666e798a300.png] CALL TO LITERARY ARTISTS 2023-2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate [https://mcusercontent.com/dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8/images/22045f5a-2c4c-6bc6-6953-185edde67034.png] Current and past Tacoma Poets Laureate pictured: Lydia K. Valentine (2021-2023), Abby E. Murray (2019-2021), Kellie Richardson (2017-2019), Thy Nguyễn (2015 - 2017), Lucas Smiraldo (2013-2015), Josie Emmons Turner (2011-2013), Tammy Robacker (2010-2011), Antonio Edwards, Jr. (2009-2010) and William Kupinse (2008-2009). Application Deadline: January 30, 2023, 11:59 pm ________________________________ Stipend: $4,000 Additional Project Budget: $1,000 ________________________________ Eligibility Eligibility extends to individuals who live in Pierce County and are actively engaged in Tacoma’s creative community; are active literary artists, dedicated to producing work on a regular basis; and are at least 18 years old. Individuals who are previous Tacoma Poet Laureate titleholders are not eligible. Other eligibility requirements apply. See guidelines for complete terms.<https://cms.cityoftacoma.org/CEDD/TacomaCulture/arts/TA_PL_23Application.pdf> ________________________________ Opportunity The Tacoma Arts Commission is accepting applications for the 2023-2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate position. Literary artists who are emerging, professional, or established artists producing poetry in any form, genre, or style are encouraged to apply. We will also consider writers who work in additional genres whose work intersects with poetry. The Poet Laureate will build community, amplify what is unique about Tacoma, and provide opportunities for people’s voices to be heard. The Tacoma Poet Laureate will hold the title for a period of two years, from May 2023 to April 2025, and receive a stipend of $4,000 paid in 4 installments over the two-year term. The Poet Laureate will have access to an additional project budget of up to $1,000 to help implement programming. The individual will actively contribute to and advance Tacoma’s literary community in meaningful ways through readings, performances, workshops, presentations, publications and/or special projects – whether in-person or virtually; participate in Tacoma Arts Month each October; and help produce the 2025 Tacoma Poet Laureate ceremony to announce the next Poet Laureate. The individual should actively strive to engage the breadth of Tacoma’s residents, expanding access to the literary arts to underserved/underrepresented audiences. The Poet Laureate is expected to determine the direction, focus, and appropriate public components for their term of service. Current Tacoma Poet Laureate Lydia K. Valentine will curate and host a poetry event at which the newly selected Poet Laureate will be honored. The event date will be announced in early 2023. ________________________________ More Info: Visit www.cityoftacoma.org/artsopps<https://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?pageId=1656> for complete information about this opportunity. ________________________________ How to Apply: Submit your Tacoma Poet Laureate application form at https://tacomaarts.submittable.com/submit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaarts.submittable.com/submit__;!!CRCbkf1f!THffnoiI7Q9NwQsW6JPnS_cuUcz3fkFPyOec3PnfTuCdsvnRfzyWIfFJRSzY8jtx1OY5-33jvrHPNZTMXdVCz2sGkoMxzbU$>. ________________________________ Questions? Contact Chevi Chung at 253.591.5171 or by email at cchung1@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:cchung1@cityoftacoma.org?subject=Question%20about%20Tacoma%20Poet%20Laureate%20Application>. [Share]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http*3A*2F*2Feepurl.com*2FiijbBj__;JSUlJQ!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxHJSyWeA$> Share<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http*3A*2F*2Feepurl.com*2FiijbBj__;JSUlJQ!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxHJSyWeA$> [Forward]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us18.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8&id=0a5798168c&e=__test_email____;!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxDGv1WbM$> Forward<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us18.forward-to-friend.com/forward?u=dab5c8dcabb4a48a61875c4b8&id=0a5798168c&e=__test_email____;!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxDGv1WbM$> The Tacoma Arts Commission is striving toward social justice. We are committed to supporting equitable opportunities to broaden artistic expression while encouraging inter-sectional communities through inclusive relationships and outreach. Arts and culture are uniquely positioned to touch every person and every part of Tacoma. We are committed to supporting the entirety of our community. ʔuk’ʷədiitəb ʔuhigʷətəb čəɫ txʷəl tiiɫ ʔa čəɫ ʔal tə swatxʷixʷtxʷəd ʔə tiiɫ puyaləpabš dxʷəsɫaɫlils gʷəl ʔutxʷəlšucidəbs həlgʷəʔ. We gratefully acknowledge that we rest on the traditional lands of the Puyallup People where they make their home and speak the Lushootseed language. [Facebook]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/TacomaArtsCommission__;!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxUocTUNA$> [Instagram]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/tacomaarts/__;!!CRCbkf1f!UJA7K5iDUmhiU1MoWCxxxcgqKZXcNs1HIZdIAn0hFEStfNuXpBLUwvBURLnfj2_itB_6VvERnVt9Mb3OWgOtnQoxUp9fK2Y$> Contact us at: tacomaarts@cityoftacoma.org<mailto:tacomaarts@cityoftacoma.org> 747 Market Street, Room 900, Tacoma, WA 98402 cityoftacoma.org/arts<https://www.cityoftacoma.org/cms/one.aspx?pageId=26307>