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Next Month: Arts at the Armory December 10 & 11!

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Thu, Nov 10, 2022 5:10 PM

[A group of people standing under a banner    Description automatically generated with low confidence]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/arts-at-the-armory/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqABwmNzU$
2022 Arts at the Armory Graphic Design by Elizabeth Kim

Arts at the Armory
December 10 & 11

11 am - 5 pm

Tacoma Armory, 1001 S Yakima Ave


Masks are required

Over 100 Tacoma artists working in all artistic disciplines and mediums, welcome you to the spacious Tacoma Armory for a unique interactive arts experience. Artists will be sharing their work and you will have an opportunity to learn about the artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. Enjoy live music by Kareem Kandihttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.kareemkandi.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqssvSNpw$ sponsored by KNKXhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.knkx.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqJxHv4tQ$ on Saturday, December 10 at 12 pm - 2 pm. Thanks to our event sponsor, Tacoma Arts Livehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartslive.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqV2ArR_4$.

Parking: Street parking is available around the Tacoma Armory near the Pierce County-District Court Building, but is limited to either 30 minutes or one hour. Paid public parking is available adjacent to the campus, operated by LAZ Parking (downloadable app available). Click here for a map and directionshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/goo.gl/maps/M17i7MqvV15uChJq9__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqu9eQtsA$.

Public Transit: The Tacoma Armory is serviced by Pierce Transithttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.piercetransit.org/pierce-transit-routes/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqRzTCQHY$ bus routes 45 and 28.

Food: Hungry? Local food trucks Dawg Eat Dogshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.dawgeatdogs.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqR0hk4qQ$ and VeGo Eatzhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/vegoeatz.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqnh-mJX4$ will be on site during the event. Food will not be allowed inside the Armory.

Check out the Arts at the Armory websitehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/arts-at-the-armory/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqABwmNzU$ for all the details and to learn more about these participating artists:
Adam Duell, Alyssa Ryann, Amy Lewis, Anita Latch, Anna Holcomb, Bethany Cramer, Cameron Decker, Carla Gramlich, Chandler O'Leary, Chelsea Pratt, Cheryl DeGroot, Christina Vega, Claire Edwards, Claudia Riedener, Collin Veenstra, Cora Wells, Cyan Leder, Dallas Blenz, Daniel Hunter, Darcy Jones, Daria Hembree, David Bader, Deborah Renee, Denise Williams, Devonna Celeste Currah, Diane Katz, Dierdre Patterson, Dion Thomas, Ebony Warren, Elizabeth Cadwallader, Elizabeth Gallagher, Emma Kelly, Ethan Budd, Freyja Knott, Gillian Nordlund, Hadiya Finley, Hans Iverson, Haven Livingston, Holly Knoll, Hugo Cruz-Moro, Jaeda Reed, Joe Gallagher, Johnny Crespo, Jonathan Bolivar, Josh Harriman, Joshua Lee, Juan La Torre, Jules Nemish, Julia White, Katherine Hogan, Kathryn Anderson, Katie Dean, Kcie Monk, Kelley Roberts, Kelsey Alger, Kelsey Parkhurst, Kendyl Chasco, Kenya Shakoor, Laurie Davenport, Linda Finley, Lucy Nilan, Luna Malia Azzouni, Lynn Di Nino, Lydia K. Valentine, Lyz Kurnitz-Thurlow, Mark Monlux, Mary Mann, Mary Patton, Mauricio Robalino, Mayumi Harris, Michelle Osborne, Mike Murphy, Miranda Hemlee, Miriam Barnett, Nick Stokes, Nicole Turner, Nora Prindle, Nori Kimura, Oliver Doriss, Olivia Sherman, Penny FireHorse, Rachel Heimbigner, Rebecca Connolly, Reggie Mosby, Reid Ozaki, Roxann Murray, Ryan McDonald, Shanna Evanger, Sheila Fore-Williams, Shelly Manteufel, Steve and Kristi Nebel, Steven Grice, Suzanne Skaar, Sydney Hunt, Tacoma Light Trail, Taylor Cox, Teonna Manson-St.Ours, Teresa Owens, Teri Mori, Terry Bader, Tom Comstock, Tonya Kelly, Tracy Painter, Tre James, Trenton Quiocho, and Yoshi Nakagawa

On Facebook? Join and invite your friends with this Facebook event link: https://fb.me/e/1WgLkRTFuhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fb.me/e/1WgLkRTFu__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeDcB6eY$, click on the 'Going' option, and then 'Share' with your friends as well in addition to sharing the event on your news feed and you're welcome to reshare this posthttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=575920877869468&set=a.347788717349353__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqELcHvzM$.

On Instagram? You're welcome to reshare this posthttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/p/CkttpAWLxBQ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeLAWPig$.

Arts at the Armory is made possible with the support of these generous sponsors: Crosscut, KBTC, KNKX, Northwest Public Broadcasting, Parent Map, Preview, South Sound Business, South Sound Magazine, Showcase Magazine

[A group of people standing under a banner Description automatically generated with low confidence]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/arts-at-the-armory/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqABwmNzU$> 2022 Arts at the Armory Graphic Design by Elizabeth Kim Arts at the Armory December 10 & 11 11 am - 5 pm Tacoma Armory, 1001 S Yakima Ave FREE! Masks are required Over 100 Tacoma artists working in all artistic disciplines and mediums, welcome you to the spacious Tacoma Armory for a unique interactive arts experience. Artists will be sharing their work and you will have an opportunity to learn about the artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. Enjoy live music by Kareem Kandi<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.kareemkandi.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqssvSNpw$> sponsored by KNKX<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.knkx.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqJxHv4tQ$> on Saturday, December 10 at 12 pm - 2 pm. Thanks to our event sponsor, Tacoma Arts Live<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartslive.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqV2ArR_4$>. Parking: Street parking is available around the Tacoma Armory near the Pierce County-District Court Building, but is limited to either 30 minutes or one hour. Paid public parking is available adjacent to the campus, operated by LAZ Parking (downloadable app available). Click here for a map and directions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/goo.gl/maps/M17i7MqvV15uChJq9__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqu9eQtsA$>. Public Transit: The Tacoma Armory is serviced by Pierce Transit<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.piercetransit.org/pierce-transit-routes/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqRzTCQHY$> bus routes 45 and 28. Food: Hungry? Local food trucks Dawg Eat Dogs<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.dawgeatdogs.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqR0hk4qQ$> and VeGo Eatz<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/vegoeatz.com/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqnh-mJX4$> will be on site during the event. Food will not be allowed inside the Armory. Check out the Arts at the Armory website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/arts-at-the-armory/__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqABwmNzU$> for all the details and to learn more about these participating artists: Adam Duell, Alyssa Ryann, Amy Lewis, Anita Latch, Anna Holcomb, Bethany Cramer, Cameron Decker, Carla Gramlich, Chandler O'Leary, Chelsea Pratt, Cheryl DeGroot, Christina Vega, Claire Edwards, Claudia Riedener, Collin Veenstra, Cora Wells, Cyan Leder, Dallas Blenz, Daniel Hunter, Darcy Jones, Daria Hembree, David Bader, Deborah Renee, Denise Williams, Devonna Celeste Currah, Diane Katz, Dierdre Patterson, Dion Thomas, Ebony Warren, Elizabeth Cadwallader, Elizabeth Gallagher, Emma Kelly, Ethan Budd, Freyja Knott, Gillian Nordlund, Hadiya Finley, Hans Iverson, Haven Livingston, Holly Knoll, Hugo Cruz-Moro, Jaeda Reed, Joe Gallagher, Johnny Crespo, Jonathan Bolivar, Josh Harriman, Joshua Lee, Juan La Torre, Jules Nemish, Julia White, Katherine Hogan, Kathryn Anderson, Katie Dean, Kcie Monk, Kelley Roberts, Kelsey Alger, Kelsey Parkhurst, Kendyl Chasco, Kenya Shakoor, Laurie Davenport, Linda Finley, Lucy Nilan, Luna Malia Azzouni, Lynn Di Nino, Lydia K. Valentine, Lyz Kurnitz-Thurlow, Mark Monlux, Mary Mann, Mary Patton, Mauricio Robalino, Mayumi Harris, Michelle Osborne, Mike Murphy, Miranda Hemlee, Miriam Barnett, Nick Stokes, Nicole Turner, Nora Prindle, Nori Kimura, Oliver Doriss, Olivia Sherman, Penny FireHorse, Rachel Heimbigner, Rebecca Connolly, Reggie Mosby, Reid Ozaki, Roxann Murray, Ryan McDonald, Shanna Evanger, Sheila Fore-Williams, Shelly Manteufel, Steve and Kristi Nebel, Steven Grice, Suzanne Skaar, Sydney Hunt, Tacoma Light Trail, Taylor Cox, Teonna Manson-St.Ours, Teresa Owens, Teri Mori, Terry Bader, Tom Comstock, Tonya Kelly, Tracy Painter, Tre James, Trenton Quiocho, and Yoshi Nakagawa Facebook<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fb.me/e/1WgLkRTFu__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeDcB6eY$> On Facebook? Join and invite your friends with this Facebook event link: https://fb.me/e/1WgLkRTFu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fb.me/e/1WgLkRTFu__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeDcB6eY$>, click on the 'Going' option, and then 'Share' with your friends as well in addition to sharing the event on your news feed and you're welcome to reshare this post<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=575920877869468&set=a.347788717349353__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqELcHvzM$>. Instagram<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/p/CkttpAWLxBQ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeLAWPig$> On Instagram? You're welcome to reshare this post<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/p/CkttpAWLxBQ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=__;!!CRCbkf1f!SRXUWVQWIhiyzmi6DylEhAmfUwLd5_7L45sXKhO4ZQDIXi1scHKaC73wMG7jvybjtvVUywNxoqsT6nSiFKpy2QDqeLAWPig$>. Arts at the Armory is made possible with the support of these generous sponsors: Crosscut, KBTC, KNKX, Northwest Public Broadcasting, Parent Map, Preview, South Sound Business, South Sound Magazine, Showcase Magazine