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This Weekend: Tacoma Studio Tour October 15 & 16!

Strom-Avila, Naomi
Mon, Oct 10, 2022 4:45 PM

[A collage of images from the 2019 Tacoma Studio Tour.    Description automatically generated with low confidence]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$

Collage of images are from the 2019 Tacoma Studio Tour

Tacoma Studio Tour

Saturday & Sunday, October 15 & 16

11 AM - 5 PM

37 locations around Tacomahttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.govme.org/artatwork/studiomap.htm__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUukig2loA$


Masks are required

You are invited inside the working studios of over 50 local artists to learn about the artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. All studios will feature demonstrations or will have hands-on activities for visitors. This is a free, family friendly, self-guided tour.

Check out the Tacoma Studio Tour websitehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$ for all the details including an interactive maphttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.govme.org/artatwork/studiomap.htm__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUukig2loA$ so you can plot your own custom tour course.

Enjoy this opportunity to connect with these Tacoma artists: Marit Berg, In Memory of Bill Colby, Debbi Commodore, Edward Coumou, Lisa Daniel, Kim Davenport, Laurie Davenport, Shannon Eakins, Jennifer English, Lynne Farren, Becky Frehse, Deborah Greenwood, Steven Grice, JW Harrington, Lucia Harrison, Hilltop Artists, Katherine Hogan, Sarah Jane Hoppe, Mark Hoppmann, Darcy Jones, Diane Katz, Anita Latch, Amy Lewis, Roberta Lowes, Mary Mann, Dorothy McCuistion, John McCuistion, Teri Mori, Beverly Naidus, Gillian Nordlund, Chandler O'Leary, Teresa Owens, Christine Parent, Kelsey Parkhurst, Karen Perrine, Judith Perry, Yuka Petz, Liz Pulos, Julia Rapinoe, Liz Reynolds, Claudia Riedener, Mauricio Robalino, April Sanders, Jessica Spring, Patsy Surh O'Connell, Bruce Thompson, Casey Thurman, Nicole Turner, Elayne Vogel, Julia W. White

Studio Tour Passport - Visit and Win!
Make sure to have your Studio Tour Passport stamped at each studio address you visit. Once you've collected at least 7 stamps, send us the page and you'll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of several fabulous prize packages containing artwork hand-crafted by a selection of artists on this tour. Visit the Tacoma Studio Tour websitehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$ for all the details.

Media Sponsors: Crosscut, KBTC, NWPB, KNKX, Parent Map, Preview, South Sound Magazine, South Sound Business, Showcase Magazine

Discover all Tacoma Arts Month events, workshops, and exhibits online at TacomaArtsMonth.orghttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XgSanpymncWBUVDj8kYXUq2rutZN1eU2qaUtszFTeJcWsl1p9lclMVFPNUj7ZUXMn6YGkMUm2tRAgPQoQYarwYAxX0LPMKBfd4US$.

[A picture containing text, accessory    Description automatically generated]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XgSanpymncWBUVDj8kYXUq2rutZN1eU2qaUtszFTeJcWsl1p9lclMVFPNUj7ZUXMn6YGkMUm2tRAgPQoQYarwYAxX0LPMKBfd4US$

[A collage of images from the 2019 Tacoma Studio Tour. Description automatically generated with low confidence]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$> Collage of images are from the 2019 Tacoma Studio Tour Tacoma Studio Tour Saturday & Sunday, October 15 & 16 11 AM - 5 PM 37 locations around Tacoma<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.govme.org/artatwork/studiomap.htm__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUukig2loA$> FREE! Masks are required You are invited inside the working studios of over 50 local artists to learn about the artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. All studios will feature demonstrations or will have hands-on activities for visitors. This is a free, family friendly, self-guided tour. Check out the Tacoma Studio Tour website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$> for all the details including an interactive map<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.govme.org/artatwork/studiomap.htm__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUukig2loA$> so you can plot your own custom tour course. Enjoy this opportunity to connect with these Tacoma artists: Marit Berg, In Memory of Bill Colby, Debbi Commodore, Edward Coumou, Lisa Daniel, Kim Davenport, Laurie Davenport, Shannon Eakins, Jennifer English, Lynne Farren, Becky Frehse, Deborah Greenwood, Steven Grice, JW Harrington, Lucia Harrison, Hilltop Artists, Katherine Hogan, Sarah Jane Hoppe, Mark Hoppmann, Darcy Jones, Diane Katz, Anita Latch, Amy Lewis, Roberta Lowes, Mary Mann, Dorothy McCuistion, John McCuistion, Teri Mori, Beverly Naidus, Gillian Nordlund, Chandler O'Leary, Teresa Owens, Christine Parent, Kelsey Parkhurst, Karen Perrine, Judith Perry, Yuka Petz, Liz Pulos, Julia Rapinoe, Liz Reynolds, Claudia Riedener, Mauricio Robalino, April Sanders, Jessica Spring, Patsy Surh O'Connell, Bruce Thompson, Casey Thurman, Nicole Turner, Elayne Vogel, Julia W. White Studio Tour Passport - Visit and Win! Make sure to have your Studio Tour Passport stamped at each studio address you visit. Once you've collected at least 7 stamps, send us the page and you'll be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of several fabulous prize packages containing artwork hand-crafted by a selection of artists on this tour. Visit the Tacoma Studio Tour website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/studio-tour/__;!!CRCbkf1f!WE9Uyo8PnqLYwrMX2smi6j38mW3btVGan6geN5OY47W_USzZEZWgb6sO8HI3sjPUjDgDKf5BS2kt_JqW1IrZq-qfoUvNDXMoBw$> for all the details. Media Sponsors: Crosscut, KBTC, NWPB, KNKX, Parent Map, Preview, South Sound Magazine, South Sound Business, Showcase Magazine Discover all Tacoma Arts Month events, workshops, and exhibits online at TacomaArtsMonth.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XgSanpymncWBUVDj8kYXUq2rutZN1eU2qaUtszFTeJcWsl1p9lclMVFPNUj7ZUXMn6YGkMUm2tRAgPQoQYarwYAxX0LPMKBfd4US$>. [A picture containing text, accessory Description automatically generated]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/tacomaartsmonth.org/__;!!CRCbkf1f!XgSanpymncWBUVDj8kYXUq2rutZN1eU2qaUtszFTeJcWsl1p9lclMVFPNUj7ZUXMn6YGkMUm2tRAgPQoQYarwYAxX0LPMKBfd4US$>